Ilà Certificate: Exam training

To help you succeed in the Ilà certificate, the Centro Studi Ilà organises a training in Milan. It is not a proper course, but some hours with a mother tongue teacher, specifically trained by Ilà staff, in which the candidates are given information about the exam and can get familiar with the exam contents through sample papers.
For the A1 level the training proposed is of four hours. The syllabus for the training and for the certificate of A1 level is:

Hocine Benchina – Nadia Rocchetti
Ilà – Arabic Language Certificate
A1 level – Aural skills
Centro Studi Ilà, 2020 € 21,00
ISBN 978-88-3135-701-2
For the A2 level the training proposed is of six hours. The syllabus for the training and for the certificate of A2 level is:

Hocine Benchina – Nadia Rocchetti
Ilà – Arabic Language Certificate
A2 level – Aural skills
Centro Studi Ilà 2020 € 21,00

Hocine Benchina – Nadia Rocchetti
Ilà – Arabic Language Certificate
B1 level – Aural skills
Centro Studi Ilà 2019, € 21,00
ISBN: 978-88-31357-00-5