Ilà Certificate: The exam sessions

Two exam sessions are scheduled every year, one in winter and one in summer, preceded by two training sessions scheduled two weeks before each session, in Milan.
The listening test is carried out collectively, with one examiner and some controllers.
For each session three tests are prepared. The exam test is drawn.
The speaking papers are carried out before two examiners. One is connected with the academic world of an Arab country and is called expressly for the exam session. The other one is a native speaker professional, who uses Modern Standard Arabic for work on a regular basis. These experts, whose names are notified at the beginning of each session, represent two complementary perspectives on language, both theoretical and practical. Such feature improves the quality of the assessment process and, consequently, of the certificate itself.
The examiner can’t see the flash cards before the speaking test.
The instructions for the exam are given in Arabic.
After the speaking paper, achievers must leave the exam venue and cannot speak with those who have not taken the speaking test yet.
Detailed information about the exam will be sent after the payment of the exam fee